Lender Configurations

Lender Configurations

Lender Configurations enable user to access details regarding lender profile, asset setups, order setups, OEM options, programs and charts. Lender Configurations manage everything from lender, dealer, assets and facilitates integrations to the entire front-office, middle-office and back-office journey. The scope of lender configurations encompasses following but not limited to:

  • Lender Profile
  • Asset setups
  • Order Setups
  • General Setups
  • OEM Options
  • Programs
  • Charts

Lender Configurations

Lender Configurations

Lender Profile

Lender Profile is used to manage lender's basic details and lender's address.


Profile tab is used to manage lender's basic profile information i.e. lender's name, trading name, website, email, tax id, Mileage units, initials, minimum financed amount and currency details.

Lender Profile

Lender Profile

  1. Lender Name is used to record the name of lender.

  2. Lender Trading Name ascertains lender's name for trading purposes.

  3. Company's Website refers to the website of lender.

  4. Email refers to the Email address of lender which will be used for electronic communication.

  5. Tax ID is used to record tax identification number of lender and it will be used in tax related operations.

  6. Mileage Units denotes whether lender will record mileage units in miles or kilometers.

  7. Initials are used to record lender's initials and will be used where and when required.

  8. Minimum Financed Amount is used to set minimum financed amount i.e. the minimum amount below which lender will not go for any lending operation.

  9. Preferred Currency refers to the preferred currency/currencies by lender for lending operations. For example lender can extend lending operations in more than one currencies at a time then lender can select more than one currencies under preferred currency.

  10. Default currency is used by lender as default currency for lending operations. Default currency is the one currency selected from preferred currencies.


Address tab on screen is used to manage lender's address details. theee types of address can be recorded for lender: mailing address, invoice address, and office address. Country wise lender address templates are also available for all address types including details i.e. lines to input address, city, state, ZIP code and country.

Lender Address

Lender Address

Mailing Address

Mailing address is compulsory/default address type and is used for lender's mailing purposes e.g. to send a postal mail.

Invoice Address

Invoice address is optional address and used for lender's invoice purposes e.g. address that one makes the payment of the goods or services..

Office Address

Office address is optional address and used to identify lender's official location.

Asset Setups

Asset Setups are used to manage assets details under Asset Catalogue, Asset Condition, Asset Option Category and OEM Options tabs.

Asset Setups

**Asset Setups **

Asset Catalogue

Asset Catalogue records and manages asset details including Make/Model/Trim of an asset with Description, Code and Status.

asset Catalogue

Asset Catalogue

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Make/Model/Trim of an asset are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can view/edit/delete/add respective record independently.

  3. Description ascertains the description of respective make/mode/trim of an asset.

  4. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective make/model/trim of an asset. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  5. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  6. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete/add respective asset make/model/trim.

  7. Options i.e Add New Make/Add New Model and Add New Trim options are used for respective actions.

  8. User can also download template and upload file for records uploading.

Asset Catalogue Add New Record

Asset Catalogue Add New Record

Asset Condition

Asset Condition records and manages asset condition details. Asset condition can be excellent, average, poor, new, used etc. Code, Description and Status columns are available on window.

Asset Condition

Asset Condition

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective asset condition. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description ascertains the description of respective asset condition. Asset condition can be excellent, average, poor, new, used etc.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective asset condition.

  6. Add New Asset Condition is used to add a new asset condition.

Asset Condition Add New Record

Asset Condition Add New Record

Option Category

Option Category records and manages categories for options in the system. Option categories include any options e.g. interior design, alloy wheels, maintenance, protection etc. attached with an asset. Code, Description and Status columns are available on window.

Option Category

Option Category

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective option category. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description ascertains the description of respective option category. Option categories include interior design, alloy wheels, maintenance, protection and so on.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective option category.

  6. Add New Option Category is used to add a new option category.

Option Category Add New Record

Option Category Add New Record

OEM Options

On this screen, we can record and manage OEM options which will also be available while configuring Dealer Options under Dealer Configurations. Product Name, Description, Category, Status, Supplier, Part No. Installation Mode, Compatible Assets, Price and RV on Option columns are available in this window.

OEM Options

OEM Options

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Product Name refers to the name of product that is made by original equipment manufacturer and can be used in another company's end product. For example security alarm made by Company A can be used in a car manufactured by company XYZ.

  3. Description refers to the details of respective product name. For example security alarm can be described for its specification under description column.

  4. Category refers to the category under which respective product name falls. For example security alarm can be categorized as a part of security system.

  5. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  6. Supplier ascertains the name of supplier for respective OEM option.

  7. Part No is an optional field and captures part number refers to the part number of respective OEM option.

  8. Installation Mode tells us whether respective OEM option is pre-installed or optional.

  9. Compatible Assets refers to the list of models (multiple trims can be associated here) compatible with respective OEM option. For example which security alarm A is compatible with vehicles including X,Y and Z.

  10. Price denotes the price of respective OEM option.

  11. RV On Option refers to the residual value of OEM option.

  12. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective OEM option.

  13. Add New OEM Option is used to add a new OEM option.

  14. User can upload a file, add video url and brochure url while adding a new OEM option.

OEM Options Add New Record

OEM Options Add New Record

Asset Usage

Asset usage records and manages asset usage details. Asset usage can be for commercial purposes, non commercial purposes and so on. Code, Description and Status columns are available on window.

Asset Usage

Asset Usage

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective asset usage. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description ascertains the description of respective asset usage. Asset usage can be eor commercial purposes, non commercial purposes and so on.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective asset usage.

  6. Add New Asset Usage is used to add a new asset usage record.

Asset Usage Add New Record

Asset Usage Add New Record

Order Setups

Order Setups are used to manage order details under Annual Mileage, Contract Annual Mileage, Term, Contract Term, Credit Score and Fees tabs. Annual Mileage and Term are used in index charts whereas Contract Annual Mileage and Contract Term can be used for any other dealer's front end.

Order Setups

Order Setups

Annual Mileage

Annual mileage is used to define ranges for annual mileage. For example annual mileage ranges can be defined from 01 km/mile to 999 km/mile and then from 1000 km/mile to 9999 km/mile and so on. This annual mileage is used while defining charts in index. Annual Mileage From, Annual Mileage To and Status columns are available on window.

Annual Mileage

Annual Mileage

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Annual Mileage From and Annual Mileage To are used to define a range of annual mileage.

  3. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  4. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective annual mileage range.

  5. Add New Annual Mileage is used to add a new annual mileage range. User cannot define a range overlapping existing range of annual mileage.

Annual Mileage Add New Record

Annual Mileage Add New Record

Contract Annual Mileage

Contract annual mileage is used to configure allowed per annum mileage in the system. Contract annual mileage values will be saved in the backend and will be available for selection as quotation parameter when creating/configuring quotation. For example 1000 km/mile can be configured with A01 code in system and this code will be available as one of the selection criteria during creation/configuration of quotation. Code, Value and Status columns are available on window.

Contract Annual Mileage

Contract Annual Mileage

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective contract annual mileage. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Value ascertains value for respective contract annual mileage.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective contract annual mileage.

  6. Add New Contract Annual Mileage is used to add a new contract annual mileage.

Contract Annual Mileage Add New Record

Contract Annual Mileage Add New Record


Term is used to define ranges for terms. For example term ranges can be defined from 01 month to 12 months and so on. This term is used while defining charts in index. Term From, Term To and Status columns are available on window.



  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Term From and Term To are used to define a range of a term.

  3. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  4. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective term range.

  5. Add New Term is used to add a new term range. User cannot define a range overlapping existing range of term.

Term Add New Record

Term Add New Record

Contract Term

Contract term is used to configure allowed contract terms in the system. Contract term values will be saved in the backend and will be available for selection as quotation parameter when creating/configuring quotation. For example contract term value 12 can be configured with A01 code in system and this code will be available as one of the selection criteria during creation/configuration of quotation. Code, Value and Status columns are available on window.

Contract Term

Contract Term

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective contract term. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Value ascertains value for respective contract term.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective contract term.

  6. Add New Contract Term is used to add a new contract term.

Contract Term Add New Record

Contract Term Add New Record

Credit Score

Credit score is used to record credit score setup. Values defined in credit score setup are available for use in charts and deal creation in dealer builder feature. In credit score setup credit score ranges can be defined for different credit ratings e.g. poor, fair, good, very good, exceptional etc. Description, Credit Score Range and Status columns are available on window. For example credit score range from 01 to 100 can be described as poor, from 101 to 200 can be described as fair and so on.

Credit Score

Credit Score

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Description refers to the name assigned to a specific Credit Score Range. For example a credit score range can be described as poor, fair, good, very good, exceptional etc.

  3. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  4. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective credit score.

  5. Add New credit score is used to add a new credit score range. User cannot define a range overlapping existing credit score range.

Credit Score Add New Record

Credit Score Add New Record


Fees configure fees in the system. User can view, add, delete and/or edit fees. Code, Fee Name and Status columns are available on window. Fees can be any kind of fees for example user can configure processing fee under code F01.



  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective fee. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Name refers to the name assigned to a fee. For example a fee can be processing fee, fee for non-tax payer, fee for tax payer and so on.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective fee.

  6. Add New Fee is used to add a new fee. User cannot define a fee code overlapping an existing fee code.

Fees Add New Record

Fees Add New Record

Financed Amount

Financed amount is used to configure ranges of Financed Amount that can use them as business criteria in Charts for evaluation. For example financed amount range be configured from 1 to 500 then 501 to 1000 and so on. Financed Amount From, Financed Amount To and Status columns are available on window.

Financed Amount

**Financed Amount **

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Financed Amount From is used to define staring amount of respective financed amount range.

  3. Financed Amount To is used to define ending amount of respective financed amount range.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective financed amount range.

  6. Add New Financed Amount Range is used to add a new financed amount range.

Add New Financed Amount Range

Add New Financed Amount Range

General Setups

General Setups are used to manage general setup details under integrations, document type, decision status and stipulations tabs.

General Setups

General Setups


Integrations records and manages other APIs/services integrated in index. Integrations and Status columns are seen on screen.



  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Integrations are represented in tree form where integration providers e.g. Stripe, Plaid are mapped under integration types i.e. payment processing.

  3. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  4. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective integration type/provider.

  5. Add New Integration is used to add a new integration details. User cannot define an integration overlapping an existing integration. While adding a new integration user is required to select integration type, integration provider, details required by respective integration provider e.g. API secret key, user name, password etc. and status of respective integration.

Integrations Add New Record

Integrations Add New Record

Document Type

Various documents which are required for business operations needs to be defined in the system. The documents defined here are available in drop down list where required. Document type is used to ascertain and record the Code, Description and Status of the document types. User will be able to View, Add New, Delete and Edit existing records. Examples of documents include proof of income, proof of employment, proof of residence, bank statement, driver license, salary slip and so on. Code, description and status columns are available on window.

Document Type

Document Type

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective document type. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description refers to the name assigned to a document type. For example a document type can be salary slip, bank statement, driver license and so on.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective document type.

  6. Add New Document Type is used to add a new document type. User cannot define a document type code overlapping an existing document type code.

Document Type Add New Record

Document Type Add New Record

Business Unit

Business unit is used to define business units that are available as optional multi-select business criteria in interest rate charts. The business units defined here are available in drop down list where required. business unit is used to ascertain and record the Code, Description and Status of the business units. User will be able to View, Add New, Delete and Edit existing records.

Business Unit

Business Unit

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective business unit. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description refers to the name assigned to a business unit. For example a business unit can be unit 1, unit 2 and so on.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective business unit.

  6. Add New Business Unit is used to add a new business unit. User cannot define a document type code overlapping an existing business unit code.

Business Unit New Record

Business Unit Add New Record

Decision Status

Decision Status is used for mapping of decision status codes that will be received from the credit decision making system to our order statuses. Decision status can be approved, cancelled, conditioned, draft, submitted and so on. Response Code, Response Description, Order Status and Status columns are available on screen.

Decision Status

Decision Status

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Response Code denotes unique code assigned to respective decision status. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Response Description refers to the name assigned to a respective decision status.

  4. Order Status of a refers to the status of order and it can be approved, cancelled, conditioned, draft, submitted and so on.

  5. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  6. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective decision status.

  7. Add New Decision Status is used to add a new decision status. User cannot define a decision status response code overlapping an existing decision status response code.

Decision Status New Record

Decision Status Add New Record


Stipulations is used to configure any kind of stipulations (i.e. conditions) that might be received in response to submission of order for credit approval. Stipulation Code, Stipulation Type, Parameter, Document Type, Assignee and Message Description columns are available on screen.



  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Stipulation Code denotes unique code assigned to respective stipulation. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Stipulation Type refers to the type of stipulation. Stipulation type can be financial or non-financial.

  4. Parameter denotes parameters associated with stipulation type. For example in case of financial stipulation type, parameters can be financed amount, monthly payment and/or terms.

  5. Document Type refers to the document type uploaded when parameter selected earlier is upload document.

  6. Assignee states that who is the assignee of respective stipulation. Assignee can be dealer, customer or both.

  7. Message Description refers to the message description for respective stipulation. For example information related to income can be written under message description where stipulation type is financial and stipulation parameter is monthly payment.

  8. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective stipulation.

  9. Add New Stipulation is used to add a new stipulation details. User cannot define an stipulation overlapping an existing stipulation. While adding a new stipulation user is required to input stipulation code, select stipulation type, parameter, document type, assignee and input message description.

Stipulations New Record

Stipulations Add New Record

Other Costs

Other Cost defined here are available as multi-select business criteria in the Non-Asset Based Interest Rate chart for the Cost Name field. Various other costs which are required for business operations need to be defined in the system. The costs defined here are available in drop down list where required. Other costs is used to ascertain and record the Code, Description and Status of the other cost. User will be able to View, Add New, Delete and Edit existing records.

Other Costs

Other Costs

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective other cost. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Description refers to the name assigned to an other cost.

  4. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  5. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective other cost.

  6. Add New Other Cost is used to add a new other cost. User cannot define an other cost code overlapping an existing other cost code.

Other Costs New Record

Other Costs Add New Record


Programs are used to configure product in system. Product Name, Product ID, Finance Type, Validity, State and Status columns are available on screen. However while defining a new program general information about new program is required to be defined along with Financial Parameters, Dealer's Detail, Asset's Details and Charts Association.



  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Product Name refers to the name given to to respective program. Product name is unique for each program.

  3. Product ID denotes unique identification number assigned to respective program. This product ID is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  4. Finance Type refers to the finance type i.e. either lease or finance associated with respective program.

  5. Validity tells us about the last valid date for respective program.

  6. State refers to the current state of program e.g. a program can be in draft state or published.??

  7. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future. Status of a program can be draft or published. Status of a record can only be changed when it is in published state.

  8. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to view/edit/delete respective program.

  9. Add New Program is used to add a new program details. User cannot define a program overlapping an existing program. While defining a new program general information about new program is required to be defined along with financial parameters, dealer's detail, asset's details, charts association, down payment, commission and subsidy.

Programs Add New Record

Programs Add New Record


General information about a program includes Program Name, Program ID, Validity i.e. valid from and to dates and Finance type.

Programs General

Programs General

  1. Program Name refers to the name given to to respective program. Product name is unique for each program. For example a program can be given name Summer Offer.

  2. Program ID denotes unique identification number assigned to respective program. This program ID is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Date From and Date To are used for defining validity period of respective program. Program is active within the configured Date frame. When the system's date passes configured "Date To" date the system shall expire the Program but keep it as reference. The Validity Date To is not mandatory so if no values found then the Program remains active.

  4. Finance Type refers to the finance type of a program. Finance type can be lease or finance.

Financial Parameters

Financial parameters ascertain the financial's of a program i.e. Rental Frequency, Interest Type, Base Rate Source, Interest Rate Override, Rental Calculation Method, Rental Mode, Rate Conversion Method, RV/Balloon Payment Applicability, RV/Balloon Payment Type, RV/Balloon Payment Calculation Method and RV/Balloon Payment Override option for a program.

Programs financial Parameters

Programs Financial Parameters

  1. Rental Frequency refers to the rate of occurrence for repayment installments i.e. time interval after which the installment will be due. The rental frequency options are monthly, quarterly, semi annual, annual, weekly and fortnightly. Out of available options user can select single or multiple frequencies.

  2. Interest Type refers to the interest type attached with respective program. For example interest rate can be fixed which means all the calculation will be done on fixed interest rate..

  3. Base Rate Source is the source of interest base rate. Examples of source rates include source base rates e.g. LIBOR, SOFR, SONIA and EURIBOR.

  4. Interest Rate Override enables user to select option whether interest rate is over ridable or not for respective program.

  5. Rental Calculation Method is the method used for rental calculation for a program/product. The drop down list is populated with rental calculation methods i.e. Annuity, Annuity – Actual/360, Annuity – Actual/365, Flat, Equal Principal and Flat Plus.

  6. Select option from Rental Mode drop down list. The drop down list is populated with options i.e. Advance and Arrear.

a. If Advance is selected it implies that first rental (installment) will be paid at the time of down payment.

b. If Arrear is selected it implies that first rental (installment) will not be a part of down payment. It will be paid when first installment is due as scheduled.

  1. Select option for Rate Conversion Method. Rate conversion method can be simple or compounded.

  2. Select option for RV/Balloon Applicable. Residual value/balloon payment applicability can be yes or no.

  3. Select option from RV/Balloon Type drop down list. The drop down list is populated with options i.e. RV and Balloon.

  4. Select option from RV/Balloon Calculation Method drop down list. The drop down list is populated with options i.e. asset cost including tax and asset cost excluding tax.

  5. Select option for RV/Balloon Override. Residual value/balloon payment override can either be yes or no. This means that residual value or balloon payment can be overridden or not.


Subsidy can be configured while defining a new program for Calculation Methods, Amortization Method, Tax Amortization, moreover user can also select option wether subsidy can be overridden or not.

Programs Subsidy

Programs Subsidy

  1. Calculation Method refers to the calculation method on the basis of which subsidy will be calculated. It can be target base rate or percentage from dealer and percentage from manufacturer.

  2. Subsidy can be defined for a new program with any of Amortization Methods including annuity-actual number of days, straight line, straight line pro rata and straight line for actual number of days.

  3. User can select option whether to include Tax Amortization or not while configuring subsidy for a new program.

  4. Select option for Subsidy Override. Subsidy Override can either be yes or no. This means that subsidy can be overridden or not.

  5. The chart association for Subsidy will remain disabled until user has configured all mandatory fields in the Subsidy tab.

  6. Only those charts will be available for association whose calculation method is selected in the Subsidy tab of the program. System displays a tooltip on the disabled Subsidy dropdown on the Chart Association tab prompting user to select a Calculation method before associating a Subsidy chart with the program.


Commission details can be configured while defining a new program for Commission Type, Amortization Method, moreover user can also select option wether commission can be overridden or not.

Programs Commission

Programs Commission

  1. Commission Type refers to the commission type on the basis of which commission will be calculated.

  2. Commission can be defined for a new program with any of Amortization Methods including annuity-actual number of days, straight line, straight line pro rata and straight line for actual number of days.

  3. Select option for Commission Override. Commission Override can either be yes or no. This means that commission can be overridden or not.

  4. The chart association for Commission will remain disabled until user has configured all mandatory fields in the Commission tab. System displays a tooltip on the disabled Commission dropdown on the Chart Association tab prompting user to complete the Commission configurations before associating a chart with the program.

End of Term

End of term is used to ascertain whether purchase option is applicable of end of term or not and if application then what type of purchase option type is configured for respective program. Values available in Purchase Option Type at Program level are available as business criteria in the charts. Purchase Option Applicable and Purchase Option Type columns are available to configure purchase options at end of term.

End of Term

End of Term

  1. Select option from Purchase Option Applicable drop down list. The drop down list has two options i.e. Yes and No.

  2. Select option from Purchase Type Applicable drop down list. The drop down list is only enabled when user has already selected Purchase Option Applicable as Yes.

  3. Click on Save Changes to save record for end of term purchase options.


Here we can associate the already configured dealers with program. Only associated dealers are able to access respective program. Screen displays the list of dealers under Dealer Name and Dealer ID columns.

Programs Dealers

Programs Dealers

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Dealer Name refers to the name of dealer.

  3. Dealer ID denotes unique identification number assigned to respective dealer. This dealer ID is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  4. User can checkmark √ all dealers or individual dealer to associate them with program.


Here we can associate the already configured assets with program. Only associated assets are available/offered for respective program. Screen displays the list of assets under Make/Model/Trim details, Description and Code.

Programs Assets

Programs Assets

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Make/Model/Trim of an asset are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  3. Description ascertains the description of respective make/mode/trim of an asset.

  4. Code denotes unique code assigned to respective make/model/trim of an asset. This code is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  5. User can checkmark √ all assets or individual asset to associate them with program.

Charts Association

Charts association ascertains association of already defined charts with a program.

Programs Charts Association

Programs Charts Association

  1. Chart Association tab is split into two sections to attach charts for:

    • Asset Based
    • Non-Asset Based
  2. For Asset-Based section the existing field set will continue to be shown with the addition of the Base Rate chart dropdown to be shown as the first field.

  3. The Interest Rate chart field will now only show those chart names where the Chart Type is selected as Asset Based.

  4. For Non-Asset Based section, currently, there will only be the Interest Rate chart showing a list of charts where the Chart Type is selected as Non-Asset based.

  5. Attachment of at least one interest rate chart will be mandatory for the program to be Published however users can attach both types of Interest Rate chart with the program as well. Interest rate charts are mandatory, however, residual value/balloon chart shall only be mandatory if residual value/balloon marked as Yes applicable in financial parameters section. Ellipsis button is available on top of the screen along with save changes button:

  6. Save Changes - system will open a replica of the selected program.


Charts are the criteria defined in a system. For example interest rate chart can be defined for an asset, number of terms, credit score and/or margin.Similarly a chart can be defined for residual value/balloon payment and so on. Multiple criteria can be defined in single chart. Base rate, base rate mapping, margin rate, residual value/balloon payment, down payment, commission and subsidy charts are available. While defining a new chart details i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output parameters is required.



Base Rate

Base Rate is used to define base rate chart. User can configure multiple base rate charts (with tenure and effective date). While defining a new chart information i.e. Tenure, Base Rate and Effective Date are required.

Base Rate Chart

Base Rate Charts

  1. Tenure refers to the tenure for which base rate chart is required to be defined. tenure is available in drop down list and it can be 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days.

  2. Base rate is a percentage field and takes value of base rate up to 4 decimal points.

  3. Effective Date refers to the date after which respective base rate chart is effective.

  4. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can not edit chart criteria if Effective Date has already passed / is the current system date. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). User can not delete a criteria if Effective Date is a past date.

  5. Validations:

    • Any record added cannot have a back-dated Effective Date (Error message: "Effective Date must be current or a future date."

    • Any record added cannot have an Effective Date that is the same as another record with the same tenure. (Error message: "A record with this date and tenure already exists").

    • Future-dated records can be added.

  6. Example:

    • User has added one record with an effective date as 19-May-2023. In this case, user can provide any date for a new record as long as the effective date is not earlier than or equal to 19-May-2023.

    • If user adds the effective date as 20-May-2023 for the new record, upon the system date changing to 20-May, the previous record will become disabled (no edit or delete) and all further rate calculations will use the new record as the base rate.

  7. Add New Base Rate is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart.

Base Rate Chart Add New Record

Base Rate Charts Add New Record

Margin Rate

Margin Rate is used to define Margin rate chart. User can configure multiple Margin rate charts (with unique name). While defining a new chart information i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output Parameters are required. Columns available on screen include Chart Name, asset Make/Model/Trim, Asset Condition, Terms, Credit Score, Margin, Margin Range and Status.

Margin Rate Chart

Margin Rate Charts

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Chart Name denotes unique name assigned to respective chart for margin rate. This name is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Asset Make/Model/Trim are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  4. Asset Condition refers to the condition of an asset. Asset condition can be new or used.

  5. Terms refer to the range of terms associated with margin rate chart. For example range of terms can be 01-12, 13-24 and so on.

  6. Credit Score refers to the credit score of a customer. Credit score can be excellent, good, fair or poor.

  7. Margin refers to the margin rate. User can also define minimum margin and maximum margin in order to define range for a margin while defining a chart/criteria.

  8. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  9. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each chart to rename/delete/add a new criteria in respective chart. Incase of rename chart name and status are editable in the drawer, however remaining fields in drawer are disabled. Drawer closes on saving. In case of delete validation is in place that chart can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). In case of add new criteria drawer opens with chart name field disabled and no criteria preselected. Option to 'Add & Save' is available on drawer after criteria(s) are selected. When user clicks on this button the criteria to be added and saved..

  10. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can edit chart criteria other than chart name and add a new criteria as well. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product).

  11. Add New Chart is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart. While adding a new chart user is required to input chart name, chart status, business criteria and output parameters are required.

Margin Rate Chart Add New Record

Margin rate Charts Add New Record


RV/balloon is used to configure/define residual value/balloon payment chart. User can configure multiple RV/Balloon charts (with unique name). While defining a new chart information i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output Parameters are required. Columns available on screen include Chart Name, Asset Make/Model/Trim, Asset Condition, Terms, Allowed Annual Mileage, RV/Balloon Value, RV/Balloon Range and Status.

RV/Balloon Charts

RV/Balloon Charts

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Chart Name denotes unique name assigned to respective chart for residual value/balloon payment. This name is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Asset Make/Model/Trim are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  4. Asset Condition refers to the condition of an asset. Asset condition can be new or used.

  5. User can select option whether residual value is guaranteed or not while defining criteria for residual value/balloon payment chart.

  6. Terms refer to the range of terms associated with rv/balloon chart. For example range of terms can be 01-12, 13-24 and so on.

  7. Allowed Annual Mileage refers to the range of annual mileage allowed for RV/Balloon chart. For example range of allowed annual mileage for a chart criteria can be 01-1000, 1001-10000 and so on.

  8. RV/Balloon Type refers to the type of residual value e.g. residual value type can be percentage which means residual value or balloon payment will be calculated on the basis of percentage.

  9. Default Value refers to the percentage rate of residual value/balloon payment. User can also define minimum value and maximum value in order to define range for a rv/balloon payment while defining a chart/criteria.

  10. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  11. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each chart to rename/delete/add a new criteria in respective chart. Incase of rename chart name and status are editable in the drawer, however remaining fields in drawer are disabled. Drawer closes on saving. In case of delete validation is in place that chart can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). In case of add new criteria drawer opens with chart name field disabled and no criteria preselected. Option to 'Add & Save' is available on drawer after criteria(s) are selected. When user clicks on this button the criteria to be added and saved.

  12. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can edit chart criteria other than chart name and add a new criteria as well. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product).

  13. Add New Chart is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart. While adding a new chart user is required to input chart name, chart status, business criteria and output parameters are required.

RV/Balloon Charts add New Record

RV/Balloon Charts Add New Record

Down Payment

Down Payment is used to configure/define down payment chart. User can configure multiple down payment charts (with unique name). While defining a new chart information i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output Parameters are required. Columns available on screen include Chart Name, Asset Make/Model/Trim, Asset Condition, Asset Usage, Terms, Credit Score, Down Payment, Down Payment Range and Status.

Down Payment Charts

Down Payment Charts

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Chart Name denotes unique name assigned to respective chart for down payment. This name is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Asset Make/Model/Trim are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  4. Asset Condition refers to the condition of an asset. Asset condition can be new or used.

  5. Asset Usage refers to the usage of an asset. Asset usage can be commercial or non-commercial.

  6. Terms refer to the range of terms associated with down payment chart. For example range of terms can be 01-12, 13-24 and so on.

  7. Credit Score refers to the credit score of a customer. Credit score can be excellent, good, fair or poor.

  8. Down Payment refers to the default amount of down payment.

  9. Down Payment Range refers to the range of down payment amount i.e. minimum and maximum amount of down payment.

  10. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  11. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each chart to rename/delete/add a new criteria in respective chart. Incase of rename chart name and status are editable in the drawer, however remaining fields in drawer are disabled. Drawer closes on saving. In case of delete validation is in place that chart can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). In case of add new criteria drawer opens with chart name field disabled and no criteria preselected. Option to 'Add & Save' is available on drawer after criteria(s) are selected. When user clicks on this button the criteria to be added and saved.

  12. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can edit chart criteria other than chart name and add a new criteria as well. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product).

  13. Add New Chart is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart. While adding a new chart user is required to input chart name, chart status, business criteria and output parameters are required.

Down Payment Charts Add New Record

Down Payment Charts Add New Record


Commission is used to configure/define commission chart. User can configure multiple commission charts (with unique name). While defining a new chart information i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output Parameters are required. Columns available on screen include Chart Name, Asset Make/Model/Trim, Asset Condition, Asset Usage, Terms, Credit Score,Purchase Option, Calculation Basis, Commission, Commission Range and Status.

Commission Charts

Commission Charts

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Chart Name denotes unique name assigned to respective chart for commission. This name is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Asset Make/Model/Trim are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  4. Asset Condition refers to the condition of an asset. Asset condition can be new or used.

  5. Asset Usage refers to the usage of an asset. Asset usage can be commercial or non-commercial.

  6. Terms refer to the range of terms associated with commission chart. For example range of terms can be 01-12, 13-24 and so on.

  7. Credit Score refers to the credit score of a customer. Credit score can be excellent, good, fair or poor.

  8. Purchase Option

  9. Calculation Basis

  10. Commission refers to the default amount of commission.

  11. Commission Range refers to the range of commission amount i.e. minimum and maximum amount of commission.

  12. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  13. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each chart to rename/delete/add a new criteria in respective chart. Incase of rename chart name and status are editable in the drawer, however remaining fields in drawer are disabled. Drawer closes on saving. In case of delete validation is in place that chart can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). In case of add new criteria drawer opens with chart name field disabled and no criteria preselected. Option to 'Add & Save' is available on drawer after criteria(s) are selected. When user clicks on this button the criteria to be added and saved.

  14. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can edit chart criteria other than chart name and add a new criteria as well. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product).

  15. Add New Chart is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart. While adding a new chart user is required to input chart name, chart status, business criteria and output parameters are required.

Commission Charts Add New Record

Commission Charts Add New Record


Subsidy is used to configure/define subsidy chart. User can configure multiple subsidy charts (with unique name). While defining a new chart information i.e. Chart Name, Chart Status, Business Criteria and Output Parameters are required. Columns available on screen include Chart Name, Asset Make/Model/Trim, Asset Condition, Asset Usage, Terms, Credit Score, Financier Rate, Dealer rate, Manufacture Rate and Status.

Subsidy Charts

Subsidy Charts

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Chart Name denotes unique name assigned to respective chart for subsidy. This name is unique for each record and can be used as a reference for respective record where and when required.

  3. Asset Make/Model/Trim are represented in tree form. Each record has a separate row so that user can associate respective record independently.

  4. Asset Condition refers to the condition of an asset. Asset condition can be new or used.

  5. Asset Usage refers to the usage of an asset. Asset usage can be commercial or non-commercial.

  6. Terms refer to the range of terms associated with commission chart. For example range of terms can be 01-12, 13-24 and so on.

  7. Credit Score refers to the credit score of a customer. Credit score can be excellent, good, fair or poor.

  8. Financier Rate refers to financier's subsidy rate.

  9. Dealer Rate refers to dealer's subsidy rate.

  10. Manufacturer Rate refers to manufacturer's subsidy rate.

  11. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  12. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each chart to rename/delete/add a new criteria in respective chart. Incase of rename chart name and status are editable in the drawer, however remaining fields in drawer are disabled. Drawer closes on saving. In case of delete validation is in place that chart can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product). In case of add new criteria drawer opens with chart name field disabled and no criteria preselected. Option to 'Add & Save' is available on drawer after criteria(s) are selected. When user clicks on this button the criteria to be added and saved.

  13. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each criteria to edit/delete respective criteria. In case of edit user can edit chart criteria other than chart name and add a new criteria as well. In case of delete validation is in place that chart criteria can only be deleted if it is not attached to a FP (financial product).

  14. Add New Chart is used to add a new chart details. User cannot define an chart overlapping an existing chart. While adding a new chart user is required to input chart name, chart status, business criteria and output parameters are required.

Subsidy Charts Add New Record

Subsidy Charts Add New Record