Dealer Configuration

Dealer Configurations

Dealer Configurations enable user to ascertain details regarding dealer profile, dealer options and F&I products. Dealer Configurations manage everything for a dealer including Dealer General Information, Preferences, Payments, Trade-In, Dealer Fees, Integrations, Dealer Options, Financial and Insurance Products offered by dealers. These configurations facilitates integrations to the entire front-office, middle-office and back-office journey. The scope of dealer configurations encompasses following but not limited to:

  • Dealer Profile
  • Dealer Options
  • F&I Products

Dealer Configurations

Dealer Configurations

Dealer Profile

Dealer profile manage profile details for a dealer including General Information, Preferences, Payments, Trade-In, Dealer Fees and Integrations. First of all user has to select a dealer from Dealer drop down list to define configuration for selected dealer. The drop down list is populated with all enabled dealers defined under dealer management.

Dealer Profile

Dealer Profile


General is used to manage dealer's basic details and dealer's address.

Dealer Profile General

Dealer Profile General

  1. Available Finance Type refers to the finance type available with respective dealer. Available finance type can be finance or lease.

  2. Scheduled Options refer to the available scheduled options with respective dealer. Scheduled options can be pickup or delivery.

  3. Contact Number, Customer Contact Number and Fax Number refer to the respective numbers of dealer.

  4. Time Zone selector allows user to select/change the local time zone of dealer.

  5. Email refers to the Email address of dealer which will be used for electronic communication.

  6. Website refers to the website of dealer.

  7. Contact Person name is used to record the name of contact person of respective dealer.

  8. Using Daylight Savings applicable option, user can select option for dealer whether daylight saving is applicable for dealer or not.

  9. Initials are used to record dealer's initials and will be used where and when required.

Dealer Address

Address section on screen is used to manage dealer's address details. Index subscriber can manage dealer address after selecting country. Country wise dealer address templates are available to input address details i.e. Lines to input address, City, State, ZIP code and Country. Country of dealer address will be the same as country selected on lender profile. After inputting address details user can verify the address by calling Google API. Google API retrieves the address and prompt confirmation to the user. Once address is confirmed, the Verify button will disappear and a tick will appear against the address showing that it is verified.


Preferences are used to configure Default Mileage, Default Term, Minimum/Maximum/Default Down Payment, Quotation Expiry Days and Application Expiry Days for dealer.

Dealer Profile Preferences

Dealer Profile Preferences

  1. Default Mileage refers to default mileage configured for respective dealer. Options available for default mileage are enabled contract annual mileages defined under order setups of lender configurations.

  2. Default Term refers to default term configured for respective dealer. Options available for default term are enabled contract terms defined under order setups of lender configurations.

  3. Minimum Down Payment refers to the percentage set for minimum down payment. Minimum down payment is less than or equal to maximum value configured for down payment.

  4. Maximum Down Payment refers to the percentage set for maximum down payment. Maximum down payment is greater than or equal to minimum value configured for down payment.

  5. Default Down Payment refers to the percentage set for default down payment. Default down payment is between minimum and maximum down payment percentages configured previously.

  6. Quotation Expiry Days denote number of days after which quotation will expire for respective dealer.

  7. Application Expiry Days denote number of days after which application will expire for respective dealer.


Payment records details regarding maximum payment limit per transaction for dealership. Account Number, ABA Number, Account Title, Bank Name, Bank Account Limit, Credit Card Limit and Debit Card Limit are configured here.

Dealer Profile Payment

Dealer Profile Payment

  1. Account Number refers to the account number of dealer.

  2. ABA Number identifies the specific financial institution responsible for the payment of a negotiable instrument. It is a nine-digit code that identifies banks in the U.S.

  3. Account Title refers to the account title of dealer.

  4. Bank Name specifies the name of bank where dealer's account exists.

  5. Bank Account Limit, Credit Card Limit and Debit Card Limits refer to the respective allowed limits of dealer.


Trade-in records the trade-in percentage assigned to trade-in partners of dealer. For example user can configure 20 % trade in percentage to any of trade-in partners. User can only select enabled trade-in partners which are defined under integrations tab of general setups in lender profile.

Dealer Profile Trade-In

Dealer Profile Trade-In

  1. Provider refers to the integrated partner for whom trade-in percentage is required to be defined. User can only select enabled trade-in partners which are defined under integrations tab of general setups in lender profile.

  2. Percentage refers to the trade-in percentage assigned to respective integrated trade-in partner of dealer.

Dealer Fees

Dealer fees ascertain dealer fees in the system. User can view, add, delete and/or edit fees. Fee Name, State, Applicable Finance Types, Taxable, Status and Default Amount columns are available on window. User can only select enabled fees which are defined under fees tab of order setups in lender profile.

Dealer Profile Fees

Dealer Profile Dealer Fees

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Name refers to the name assigned to a fee. For example a fee can be processing fee, fee for non-tax payer, fee for tax payer and so on.

  3. State refers to the state name for which dealer fee is required to be defined.

  4. Applicable Finance Type states that on which finance type respective fee is applicable. applicable finance type can either be finance or lease.

  5. Taxable tells us whether respective dealer fee is taxable or not.

  6. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  7. Default Amount refers to the default amount of respective dealer fee.

  8. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective fee.

  9. Add New Fees is used to add a new fee. User cannot define a fee code overlapping an existing fee code.

Dealer Profile Fees Add New Record

Dealer Profile Dealer Fees Add New Record


Integrations records and manages integration type and integration type provider for a dealer. Integrations are other APIs/services integrated in index for dealer. User can only select enabled integrations defined under integrations tab of general setups in lender profile.

Dealer Profile Integrations

Dealer Profile Integrations

  1. Integration Type refers to the integration type for dealer. For example integration types can be payment processing, address validation, identity verification and so on. User can only select enabled integrations defined under integrations tab of general setups in lender profile.

  2. Integration Type Provider refers to the provider of respective integration type. For example Stripe Connect is one of the integration provider where integration type is payment processing. User can only select enabled integration type providers defined under integrations tab of general setups in lender profile.

Dealer Options

Dealer options are added by the dealer before the vehicle is offered for sale. They might include equipment, such as an alarm system or a spoiler. Often, they are services such as rustproofing. They are not covered by the manufacturer warranty, and pricing is set by the individual dealer. They typically are listed on a supplemental dealer sticker on the window and are added to the automaker’s suggested retail price for the vehicle, sometimes increasing it by hundreds. Dealer options configure options offered/available with a dealer. Product Name, Description, Category, Status, Vehicle Condition, Offered By, Supplier, Part umber, Installation Mode, Compatible Assets, Price and RV on Option columns are available on window. Here user can only configure those options which are defined and enabled under OEM options tab of asset ups in lender configurations.

Dealer Options

Dealer Options

  1. A search bar is available on top of each column to filter the record on basis of search criteria.

  2. Product Name refers to the name of option offered by dealer. For example security alarm made by Company A is offered by dealer for a car manufactured by company XYZ.

  3. Description refers to the details of respective option name. For example security alarm can be described for its specification under description column.

  4. Category refers to the category under which respective product name falls. For example security alarm can be categorized as a part of security system.

  5. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  6. Vehicle Condition refers to the vehicle condition with which respective option is attached. Asset condition can be excellent, average, poor, new, used etc.

  7. Offered By means who is offering the option. For example an option can either be offered by a dealer or OEM (original equipment manufacturer).

  8. Supplier ascertains the name of supplier for respective dealer option.

  9. Part No captures part number and refers to the part number of respective dealer option.

  10. Installation Mode tells us whether respective option is pre-installed or optional.

  11. Compatible Assets refers to the list of assets compatible with respective dealer option. For example security alarm A is compatible with vehicles including X,Y and Z.

  12. Price denotes the price of respective dealer option.

  13. RV On Option refers to the residual value of dealer option.

  14. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective dealer option.

  15. Add New Option is used to add a new dealer option.

  16. User can upload a file/pic, add video url and brochure url while adding a new dealer option.

Dealer Options Add New Record

Dealer Options Add New Record

F&I Products

In order to improve sale process dealers offer F&I products i.e. finance and insurance products to customers. Here we can configure F & I products offered by a dealer. Provider, Product Type, Product Name, Markup Percentage, Taxable and Status columns are available on window. First of all user has to select a dealer from Dealer drop down list to define F&I products for selected dealer. The drop down list is populated with all enabled dealers defined under dealer management.

F&I Products

F&I Products

  1. Provider refers to the provider of respective F&I products. User can only select enabled providers defined under integrations tab of dealer profile in dealer configurations.

  2. Product Type refers to the product types offered by selected provider.

  3. Product Name states name of F&I product offered under selected product type.

  4. Description is used to record description of respective F&I product.

  5. Markup Percentage denotes the percentage of markup applied on respective F&I product. For example markup percentage for insurance of a vehicle can be defined here.

  6. Taxable tells us whether respective product is taxable or not.

  7. Records with status enabled will be available for further use whereas record with status disabled will not be available for further use in future.

  8. An ellipsis menu is available on right side of each record to edit/delete respective dealer's F&I product.

  9. Add New Product is used to add a new F&I product.

  10. User can upload a File/Pic, Add Video URL and Brochure URL while adding a new F&I product.

F&I Products Add New Record

F&I Products Add New Record