Business Changelog
Index Version 1.0.1
November 30th 2023
In its prior release, Index concentrated on delivering robust API products. In the current release, we are unveiling user-friendly front-end interfaces/UIs for our products, strategically designed to complement our powerful APIs. With the new UIs, users can now engage in the following:
Lender Configurations: Core setups for lenders to configure their profiles as well as a comprehensive asset catalogue, programs & campaigns, rate cards, while also introducing setups for managing the lease / finance order journey and any third-party services.
Dealer Management: Feature for lenders to configure and manage a network of dealerships or brokers who can sell the services offered by the lender.
Dealer Configurations: For every dealership added, they can configure their profiles as well as add asset inventory, fees, F&I products and accessories that can be bundled with the assets on offer.
User Management: An efficient, easy-to-use feature that enables the subscriber to add and manage system users.
For the new UIs, the following changes have been documented in the API:
Index Version 1.0.0
October 17 2023
Created Index API with basic endpoints that as a parameter storage that smoothly runs all your core lending operations. It is an accumulation of all your master setups, including asset catalog and inventory, programs, rates, and profiles for lenders, dealers and multiple partners, in one centralized location for all business types.
Supported fundamental functionalities, such as user authentication and data retrieval.
Established rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to manage API usage.
Implemented API documentation to guide developers on how to use following tags with endpoints effectively.
Lender Configuration
Programs and Rates
Dealer Configuration
Inventory Management