

The orders screen provides users with a central hub to manage various aspects of their orders efficiently. Overall, the orders screen streamlines the order management process, providing users with a clear and organized interface to create, compare, schedule, monitor, and review their orders. This functionality enhances the user experience by ensuring that users have full control over their orders, from initiation to completion or cancellation, all within a single user-friendly interface. It offers two distinct viewing options, the Grid View and the List View, giving users the flexibility to choose their preferred way of organizing and interacting with orders.

Choosing View Options

The Orders Screen offers two viewing options for your convenience:

Card View

Card View presents orders in a visual card format, allowing you to quickly grasp the details of each order. To use Card View:

  1. On the Orders Screen, click the "Card View" button.

  2. You will see a collection of cards, each representing an order with essential information displayed such as order ID, status, and asset make/model/trim.

List View

List View provides a detailed list of orders, suitable for users who prefer a more text-based approach. Here's how to use List View:

  1. On the Orders Screen, click the "List View" button.

  2. You will see a list of orders in a tabular format, displaying information such as order ID, status, asset make/model/trim, and other relevant details.

Key functionalities available to users on the orders screen include:

Create New Order:

Users can initiate the order creation process by clicking on the "Create New Order" button. This action allows them to specify order details, select products or services, set delivery or pickup preferences, and provide payment information as necessary. This functionality is essential for users to place new orders seamlessly.

Compare Orders:

Compare Orders button allows users to select multiple orders for side-by-side comparison, helping them identify differences and similarities.

Schedule Pickup/Delivery:

For orders that require pickup or delivery, users can access the "Schedule Pickup/Delivery" feature. Here, they can set preferred dates and times for when they want their orders to be picked up or delivered. This scheduling option provides flexibility and convenience to users.


Users can view and manage their scheduled appointments related to their orders. This includes appointments for product demonstrations, consultations, or any other services associated with the order. Users may reschedule or cancel appointments as needed, ensuring they align with their availability.


In the "Completed" section, users can review and confirm that their orders have been successfully fulfilled or services have been provided. This section serves as a record of past orders, allowing users to track their order history and access order details for reference.


Orders that have been canceled by the user or the service provider are archived in the "Cancelled" section. Users can access information about these canceled orders, including reasons for cancellation and any applicable refunds or credits.