

The dashboard serves as the nerve center of dealership operations, providing a bird's-eye view of critical insights across various dimensions. Within this dynamic interface, you can delve into Business Analytics, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your dealership's overall performance, revenue, commission, total sales, total leads, close rate, F&I sales revenue, new assets sale, used asset sales, financed asset and leased assets. Product Analytics, on the other hand, allows you to overview of your user behaviors and see what do users see when they are in your website? Meanwhile, Dealership Performance empowers automotive dealerships to finely tune their operations and customer engagement strategies. Within this dynamic dashboard, a dealership can access a wealth of critical data, including dealership-specific insights such as the Order Queue, Trade-in Queue, and Vehicle Delivery Queue, which ensure efficient order processing, trade-in assessment, and timely vehicle handovers. The Trade-in Acceptance % metric provides valuable feedback on pricing and appraisal strategies, optimizing trade-in processes. Additionally, the dashboard monitors Customer Queries, aiding in responsive customer communication, and measures Customer Assistance Performance % for evaluating the support team's effectiveness. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) gauges customer satisfaction and loyalty, while the Engagement Rate (% of users building a deal) reflects user interaction with the platform, guiding improvements in the overall customer experience. Customer Journey Analytics unravels the intricacies of your customer interactions, empowering you to enhance customer experiences and drive loyalty.

  • Business Analytics
  • Product Analytics
  • Dealership Performance
  • Customer Journey Analytics

Business Analytics

Business Analytics Dashboard provides user with a comprehensive overview of key performance metrics, enabling dealership to make informed decisions and drive the success. The dashboard prominently displays essential data points such as revenue, commission, total sales, total leads, close rate, F&I (Finance & Insurance) sales revenue, new car sales, used car sales, financed cars, and leased cars. These charts and figures are designed to give you real-time insights into the dealership's performance, allowing you to track your financial health, sales performance, and lead conversion rates at a glance. Use this dashboard to identify trends, spot opportunities for growth, and assess the impact of various strategies on your dealership's bottom line. Key components of the Business Analytics Dashboard for a dealership include


This chart displays the dealership's total revenue over a specified period. The chart illustrates how dealership's revenue has evolved over a specified period. Revenue chart also tells about total amount of the revenue generated over the selected time period along with total number of sales.


This metric tracks the commission earnings over time. The primary part of the chart displays how commission earnings have varied over a specific period. Commission chart also ascertains cumulative total of the commission earned over the chosen time period along with commission percentage reflecting the proportion of revenue that is allocated as commission.

Total Sales

The total sales chart shows number of sales made by your dealership over a specified period of time. It is a fundamental metric that reflects the core business activity of the dealership.

Total Leads

This chart illustrates the number of potential customers or leads generated by dealership over a specific period. Tracking lead generation is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Close Rate

The close rate is the percentage of leads that convert into actual sales. This chart illustrates how the close rate has changed over a specified time period. Close rate chart also ascertains total number of leads generated over the chosen time period along with close rate percentage reflecting the percentage of total leads that led to sales. A high close rate indicates effective sales strategies and lead nurturing, while a low close rate may signal areas for improvement.

F&I Sales Revenue

Finance and Insurance (F&I) sales revenue represents the income generated from selling financing options and insurance packages to customers over a specified time period. The chart also indicates the average price of F&I products or services sold during the chosen time period along with percentage of customers who purchased F&I products or services out of the total number of sales.

New Car Sales and Used Car Sales

New Car Sales and Used Car Sales represents how the number of new and used car sales has evolved over a selected time frame. The chart also ascertains average prices of new and used cars sold during the chosen time period.

Financed Cars and Leased Cars

This chart represents how the number of financed and leased car sales has evolved over a selected time frame. The chart also ascertains new car sales revenue and old car sales revenue responsively.

By analyzing these charts and metrics on the Business Analytics Dashboard, dealership management can make data-driven decisions to optimize sales strategies, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the overall customer experience. Whether you're aiming to boost revenue, increase close rates, or refine your inventory, this dashboard provides the insights needed to achieve your dealership's goals.

Product Analytics

In the Product Analytics Dashboard of our dealership, users have the ability to select specific parameters such as country, device category, and date range, enabling them to gain a comprehensive overview of user behaviors on our website. This versatile tool provides insights into what users experience when they visit our site, offering a detailed portrait of their interactions and preferences. By customizing their analysis, users can understand how visitors from different countries engage with our offerings, whether on mobile, desktop, or other device categories. Moreover, the choice of date range empowers users to track shifts in user behavior over time, helping to identify patterns, optimize content, and enhance the overall website experience. In a world driven by data, this dashboard allows our dealership to make informed decisions that cater to the specific needs and expectations of our diverse user base, ultimately leading to improved engagement and satisfaction.

Overview of Your User Behaviors

The Overview of Your User Behaviors section in analytics dashboard provides a comprehensive look into how users interact with your digital platform. It is divided into two key components. The first part, which includes views, new viewers and total users, paints a vivid picture of the user engagement and reach. By breaking down data into views, tracking new viewers and compiling total user counts you gain a deep understanding of our platform's popularity and growth. The second part of this section delves into user sessions and event-related metrics. It details the number of sessions, offering insights into how often users engage with your platform. Furthermore events per session and event count sheds light on user interactions within each session.

What Do Users See When They Are in Your Website?

The What Do Users See When They Are in Your Website? charts on the Product Analytics Dashboard of dealership provide invaluable insights into the user experience. Here's a breakdown of the key components

Which Page Is the Most Popular?

This chart identifies the most frequently visited page on website. It allows to pinpoint the areas of our digital platform that capture the highest user interest. Understanding the most popular page helps to focus on efforts to optimize content and user experience in this high-traffic area.

Most Popular Pages with Title Breakdown

This chart goes a step further by not only identifying the most popular pages but also offering a detailed breakdown of these pages, including their titles. This information allows to understand precisely which content or product offerings resonate most with users. By analyzing the titles of these popular pages you can refine content strategy and ensure that messaging aligns with user preferences.

Which Event Is the Most Popular?

In this chart, uncovers the most popular user events on website. An event could be any specific user action such as clicking on a product, submitting a form, or initiating a sign-up. Knowing which event is the most popular helps us understand the specific interactions that engage users the most. This insight is crucial for optimizing user journey, enhancing engagement and driving desired actions.

These charts provide a data-driven view of what users encounter and engage with on website. By understanding the most popular pages and events can tailor digital strategy to cater to user preferences, ultimately improving user satisfaction and achieving dealership's digital goals.

Dealership Performance

The Dealership Performance Dashboard is a robust tool that provides a comprehensive overview of dealership's performance in various critical areas for a specified dates range. With a range of insightful charts, this dashboard equips to efficiently manage and optimize our operations. The Order Queue chart helps to stay on top of customer orders, ensuring a smooth and timely fulfillment process. The Trade-in Queue and Trade-in Acceptance % charts empowers to handle trade-ins with precision and responsiveness. The Vehicle Delivery Queue chart is instrumental in monitoring vehicle readiness, ensuring to meet delivery expectations. Customer Queries and Customer Assistance Performance % help us gauge customer engagement and service quality. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an essential measure of overall customer satisfaction, and the Engagement Rate provides insights into our ability to engage users in deal-building. Additionally, the Top Selling F&I Products and F&I Recommendations Success % charts enable us to enhance our Finance and Insurance offerings, and the Top Selling Vehicles chart keeps us informed about our best-performing vehicle models. This comprehensive dashboard empowers to make data-driven decisions, enhance the customer experience, and achieve success in the automotive industry.

Order Queue

The Order Queue table on Dealership Performance Dashboard is a pivotal feature that provides a clear and organized view of the current status of customer orders at dealership. Each row represents a different dealership, and the columns display various order statuses i.e. draft, approved, in review, conditioned, resubmitted, reviewed, awaiting schedule and appointments. This tabular format allows us to easily track and manage the progress of orders for different dealerships, ensuring that each order moves through the necessary stages efficiently. By keeping a close eye on the Order Queue, we can ensure that customer orders are processed smoothly, preventing delays and discrepancies.

Trade-in Queue

The Trade-In Queue table on Dealership Performance Dashboard is an invaluable tool for tracking the status of trade-in transactions at dealership. It is organized as a table with dealership names listed in rows and columns displaying the various trade-in statuses. These columns include Trade-In Accepted, Trade-In Declined, Trade-In Negotiations and Trade-In Not Given. This format allows to efficiently monitor the progress of trade-in deals for each dealership helping to manage the trade-in process with precision. By keeping a close watch on this table user can ensure that trade-in transactions proceed smoothly whether they are accepted, declined, in negotiation, or awaiting a decision.

Trade-in Acceptance %

The Trade-In Acceptance % graph on Dealership Performance Dashboard offers a dynamic visual representation of how trade-in acceptance rates vary across dealerships over time. The X-axis displays a timeline, while the Y-axis represents the Trade-In Acceptance percentage. Dealership is denoted above the graph, allowing us to compare and contrast how well trade-in offers are being received by customers at different locations. This graph is a vital resource for evaluating trade-in performance trends, recognizing areas where improvements may be needed and identifying dealerships that excel in trade-in acceptance. It helps us make data-driven decisions to enhance trade-in processes and customer satisfaction, ultimately contributing to the overall success of our dealership.

Vehicle Delivery Queue

The Vehicle Delivery Queue table on Dealership Performance Dashboard provides a systematic overview of the delivery status of vehicles at various dealerships. This table is organized with dealership names listed in rows and columns indicating the status of each delivery. The columns include Dealership Name, Delivery Scheduled, Delivery In-Progress and Delivery Completed. This structured format enables to efficiently track and manage the vehicle delivery process for each dealership, ensuring that deliveries are scheduled, in-progress, or successfully completed in a timely and organized manner.

Customer Queries

The Customer Queries table on Dealership Performance Dashboard is a crucial component for monitoring customer interactions and service quality. It Is structured as a table with rows representing different dealerships and columns displaying Dealership Name, Queries Served and Queries Unserved. This format allows to systematically track the handling of customer inquiries. Queries Served represents the number of inquiries successfully addressed, while Queries Unserved indicates those that remain unresolved.

Customer Assistance Performance %

The Customer Assistance Performance % graph on Dealership Performance Dashboard offers a dynamic visual representation of how well dealerships are meeting customer assistance goals over time. The X-axis displays a timeline, while the Y-axis represents the Customer Assistance Performance percentage. Each dealership is labeled above the graph, enabling us to assess their performance in providing assistance to customers.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) displayed as a number on Dealership Performance Dashboard is a concise representation of customers' overall satisfaction and loyalty. This single numerical value, which can range from -100 to +100, quantifies how likely customers are to recommend dealership to others. A higher NPS signifies stronger customer loyalty and a greater likelihood of positive referrals, while a lower score may indicate areas for improvement in customer satisfaction.

Engagement Rate (% of users building a deal)

The Engagement Rate graph on Dealership Performance Dashboard is a dynamic visual representation of how effectively users at different dealerships are engaging with services to build deals. The X-axis features the names of individual dealerships, while the Y-axis displays the Engagement Rate as a percentage. This graph provides a clear comparison of user engagement levels across various locations, helping to identify which dealerships are excelling in encouraging users to build deals.

Top Selling F&I Products

The Top Selling F&I Products table on Dealership Performance Dashboard provides a detailed overview of the performance of Finance and Insurance (F&I) products. This table is organized with columns that include Date, Multi Coverage, ESC (Extended Service Contract), VSC (Vehicle Service Contract) and Wear & Tear. It presents a clear snapshot of which F&I products are performing exceptionally well on specific dates. The table serves as a valuable resource for tailoring F&I strategies to meet customer needs and enhance dealership's overall profitability and customer satisfaction.

F&I Recommendations Success %

The F&I Recommendations Success % displayed as a number on Dealership Performance Dashboard is a key performance metric that reflects the success rate of Finance and Insurance (F&I) recommendations to customers. This numerical value represents the percentage of customers who have accepted the F&I product recommendations offered by dealership. A higher percentage indicates a more successful conversion of these recommendations into sales, while a lower percentage may suggest room for improvement in F&I sales strategies.

Top Selling Vehicles

The Top Selling Vehicles table on Dealership Performance Dashboard provides a detailed and organized view of the performance of specific vehicles over time. This tabular format includes a Date column and individual columns for different vehicle names, enabling to track the sales success of each vehicle on specific dates. By analyzing this data, user can identify trends, understand which vehicles are the most popular with our customers and make informed decisions regarding inventory management and marketing strategies.

Customer Journey Analytics

The Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to provide valuable insights into the customer journey and interaction with our services for a specified dates range. It presents a range of charts that shed light on various aspects of the customer experience. The Sign up Trend chart allows users to track the trend in customer sign-ups over time. Total Sign Ups provides a cumulative count of sign-ups, while Avg Sign Ups Per Day helps gauge the daily sign-up rate. Overall Checkpoints let users monitor key milestones in the customer journey. The Deal Builder Funnel and Credit App Funnel detail the progression of customers through the deal-building and credit application processes, whereas Deal Builder to Contract Throughput examines the efficiency of the conversion process. The Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard equips users with the information they need to assess the effectiveness of their platform, identify bottlenecks in the customer journey, and enhance the overall user experience.

Sign up Trend

The Sign up Trend chart on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard provides a visual snapshot of how customer sign-ups evolve over time. With time intervals on the X-axis and the number of sign-ups on the Y-axis, users can quickly discern patterns, peak periods, and overall trends in customer onboarding. This tool is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and making data-informed decisions to enhance user acquisition strategies.

Total Sign Ups

The "Total Sign Ups" metric on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard offers a cumulative count of customer sign-ups within a specified date range. This simplifies the process of evaluating the success of customer acquisition strategies and helps in making informed decisions to further optimize these efforts.

Avg Sign Ups Per Day

The Avg Sign Ups Per Day metric on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard provides a clear measure of the daily sign-up rate. Calculated within the selected date range, this metric aids in assessing the average pace of customer onboarding, enabling users to gauge the effectiveness of their acquisition strategies on a day-to-day basis.

Overall Checkpoints

Overall Checkpoints on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard serves as a valuable tool for users to monitor and track key milestones in the customer journey. This feature enables a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions, allowing businesses to identify crucial touch points and optimize strategies for enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction.

Deal Builder Funnel

The Deal Builder Funnel on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard illustrates the progression of customers through the deal-building process. This visual representation aids users in tracking and optimizing the various stages, from initial engagement to deal completion, providing valuable insights into the efficiency of the deal-building workflow.

Credit App Funnel

The Credit App Funnel on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard offers users a visual depiction of the customer journey through the credit application process. By highlighting key stages, from application initiation to approval, this feature enables users to track and optimize the efficiency of credit-related workflows, facilitating a streamlined and responsive customer experience.

Deal Builder to Contract Throughput

The Deal Builder to Contract Throughput chart on the Customer Journey Analytics Dashboard visualizes the efficiency of the deal-building process by showcasing the Deal Builder to Contract Throughput percentage over a timeline. This dynamic chart empowers users to assess the speed and effectiveness of converting deal-building engagements into finalized contracts, providing insights for refining workflows and optimizing the overall customer experience.

Avg Deal Builder to Contract Throughput

The Avg Deal Builder to Contract Throughput percentage typically represents the average efficiency in converting deal-building engagements into finalized contracts over a given period. Monitoring the average throughput percentage helps assess the overall efficiency of this critical aspect of the customer journey, aiding in the identification of areas for improvement and optimization.