API Docs

Lane API Documentation

Lane offers a feature-rich, end-to-end order management system for asset leasing, loans and credit companies. Our platform covers all aspects, from conducting end-to-end sales to performing dealer and partner-related tasks and marketing-related activities. The system offers a variety of dashboards that provide vital information for dealers and partners while enabling quick order management and providing a way for users to record and submit a complete credit application for their clients. By subscribing to Lane, you will also get access to Index, Hubex, Flex, and the Tax Engine.

For Complete Lane API Documentation Click Here (opens in a new tab).

How to Connect ?

Lane is a pure-play SaaS product with a secure RESTful API. The API can be consumed by invoking the methods available in the subscription using this OpenAPI documentation.


Before you can use Lane, you must complete the following step:

  1. Register on Appex-Now Website (opens in a new tab).
  2. Purchase Lane subscription or start for free using the available Trial subscription.

After completing the Prerequisites you can follow the following steps to connect with Lane:

Step-1: Select Method

  1. After subscribing to Lane, you will receive an email with the link to Lane API documentation and the relevant API and the sandbox key. API key is used to call methods on live environment whereas sandbox key is used for testing purposes.

  2. Lane API documentation consists of the following details.

    • Method
    • Endpoint Details
    • Request and Response Schemas
    • Authorization details
    • Example / Sample payloads
  3. Your API key is linked to your subscription and is required for calling any of the Lane methods.

  4. Your Sandbox key is linked to your subscription as well but used for testing purposes.

  5. You can search for a specific method or keyword using the search control available on the top left column.

Step-2: Call Method

Run in Code

  1. After selecting a method, copy the endpoint URL from the right column of API documentation.

  2. Identify the RESTful API method e.g POST, GET, PUT, DELETE etc from endpoint URL.

  3. Click 'Run in Postman' which will open the Postman request of the respective method.

  4. Select the code snippet of your desired language from the right-side navigation of postman UI.

  5. Replace the API-key in the code snippet with the API-key provided in the Welcome email received when subscribing.

  6. You are required to include the API key header manually as shown below:

    >> x-api-key = [Your-API-Key]
  7. The request schema for the method is shown in the middle column and the request payload (example) is given in the right column.

  8. After providing the API key, request body and RESTful method with the endpoint details, you would be able to execute and receive a response.

Run in Postman

  1. The request can be executed within the Postman UI as well by forking the Lane collection and updating the x-api-key header in the collection variables.

  2. Make sure to log-in to your Postman account before clicking the 'Run in Postman' button or login afterwards.

  3. Right click the Lane Collection and click 'Create a Fork' or try to click the 'Send' request button, it should ask you to fork the collection.

  4. Postman's 'Create a Fork' screen will appear, before Forking the collection, please make sure to select 'Watch original collection' checkbox to enable 'Pull Changes' function to receive collection updates.

  5. After the Collection is forked/created in your Postman Workspace, please update the Collection variable(s) "x-api-key" and others based on the values/keys provided to you.

  6. All requests are configured to use their collection variables.

Step-3: Method Response

  1. Once you call the method, following are the possible types of responses statuses:

    1. 200 - Success
    2. 400 - Bad Request
    3. 401 - Authorization information is missing or invalid
    4. 422 - Validation Error
    5. 500 - Internal server error
  2. For each of the response statuses the response schemas are given in the method details.

  3. All responses are in JSON format

For Complete Lanr API Documentation Click Here (opens in a new tab).