

Address Verification

Address verification is the process of confirming the accuracy and legitimacy of a person's or entity's stated physical address.


Configurations refer to the specific settings, options, and parameters tailored to meet the needs of business operations.

F&I Products

Finance and Insurance products, are add-on offerings in the automotive industry that provide financial protection, such as extended warranties and insurance, for vehicle buyers.

Fraud Identification

Fraud identification is the process of recognizing and detecting fraudulent activities or transactions through various methods and techniques.

Identity verification

Identity verification is the process of confirming an individual's claimed identity using methods like documentation, biometrics, or knowledge-based checks.

Payment Processing

Payment processing is the series of actions and steps that occur to facilitate and complete a financial transaction, typically involving the transfer of funds from a customer to a business or service provider in exchange for goods or services.

Vehicle Valuation

Vehicle valuation is the assessment of a vehicle's worth or market value, typically for buying, selling, or insurance purposes.